Comment On This Cover Art
Is she albheino?
Is it looking at you or me?
They couldn't fit the whole word Heinous next to its head.
those glasses dont distract from your eyes go in opposite directions
Dear Mother....mmm I wonder how his mom feels about this...
Day-am! I saw this album in a thrift store! I shoulda bought it...and burned it.
boy george made a song about this guy Karma CHAMELEON
Just like on the creepy cover
He has Graves' Disease, which causes exophthalmos. So let's all make fun of him.
Is tht a man or a women?
HAHAHAHHHHAHAHAHA Yes it's my hero HEINO. He's a big star in germany
Evil albino!!!D:
I bet he can watch a whole tennis match without turning his head.
Is she albheino?